Dave's Comics, Brighton

So, weekly blogging turned out to be a New Year's Resolution that I never kept!

Anyway, on Saturday me and the wife went to Brighton for a day out, and we found ourselves on the North Laines, where the arty and less mainstream shops tend to be. Among the various gift shops, homeware and vegan perfumeries, we found Dave's Comics, a comic book shop split between two buildings.

Unlike most places I could name these days, it has managed to avoid becoming a Funko Pop warehouse (although they did make their presence felt, since they are basically everywhere these days), it mainly sold comics, and not just from the big two. The main site (first pic) had independent comics, both from local and more further afield companies, as well as stuff from the big two. It was refreshing that those were upstairs, rather than put up in front while the rest are tucked away on a single shelf at the back.

The second site, just one shop along on the same street, Dewitt mostly with merchandise, with action figures as well as lots of role playing games and board games - who knew there were so many supplements for Settlers of Cataan!

There was a bit too much Rick and Morty stuff, in much the same way there used to be too much Adventure Time stuff in shops, but it was good to see a decent independent comic shop with such an impressive range.

If only Forbidden Planet could go back to being like that...
